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True Repentance

  • 1 Step


True repentance is a vital step for healing after infidelity. This class is designed for couples seeking to restore their marriage through biblical repentance and forgiveness. Infidelity creates deep wounds, and understanding what it means to truly repent can help rebuild the foundation of trust and restore intimacy. In this 45-minute class, couples will explore: Biblical Repentance and Forgiveness (1 John 1:9): Understand the true meaning of repentance as God commands it, and how it lays the groundwork for forgiveness and reconciliation. The Importance of Confession: The power of open and honest communication in healing, and why both spouses must be transparent and vulnerable in order to move forward. Steps to Rebuild Trust Through Accountability: Learn practical steps to regain trust, including creating accountability systems and re-establishing boundaries to protect the marriage moving forward. This class will guide couples through the process of acknowledging their wrongs, seeking forgiveness, and taking responsibility for their actions, while also offering hope for reconciliation and healing in the marriage. Whether you’re the betrayed or the betrayer, this class will equip you with the tools needed to embrace genuine repentance, heal emotional wounds, and begin rebuilding a marriage that is stronger than before.

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